Sep 27, 2016

Google Turns 18 today!

Happy birthday Google - Google turns 18 today! 

About everyone in world who has internet access know about this great search engine!

It is this day of this month that Google turned 18!

Google is now officially adult (that doesn't mean it'll now allow *whistle* ;) )

Google has lots of doodles in past 17 years, this one is simply great in my thought, it has all the balloons and a balloony oogle in G's hands, which G crafts with his hands and later on it float away, then it pops and then G falls back on ground!

It's just fantastic, but sadly it isn't interactive as some other birthday doodles...

After all, it's Google it never seizes to make you happy and find the things you are looking for...

So, happy birthday Google may you live long! :D


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